04 June 2010

An Evening with 10000 Angels

There is an outlet next to Spotlight at Plaza Singapura that is known as Tea Cosy / Ten Thousand Angels. I am not aware how many of us will pass by that area and missed it out because I did so several times. However, one day while wondering dreamily out of Spotlight it came to my bird's eye view. It is a charming little place. Step inside the shop and in a way you are swept off to another place on Earth. I find it very sweet to have so many angel figures, statues and pictures around me. The rest of the decor is very warm as well. 

We thought at first it was just a place for tea. Thanks to the menu outside, they serve dinner so we happily marched in and settled ourselves down at a corner. (I love their chic mismatched furniture, comfy and somehow stylish) It was unfortunate that I had a small meal of cheesy sausage and mash potatoes from Chippy's British Takeaway (another one of my favorite food stalls) so I opted for just tea and soup. Yes, it is true that when I am hungry I feel like murder and fainting. A useless combination as a fainting person won't have strength to commit murder. But whatever, bottom line is must get food and feed self. Let's look at some pictures:

The place itself from where I was sitting. Charming isn't it? It feels like you can sit there all day reading a book, eating scones and drinking tea.

 The view from my right. Yes, the wallpaper is a donkey and its owner. Nice furniture. I adore!

A row of angels behind me. Their presence blessing my dining experience :)

My tea served in a very dainty tea set and Soenke's salad....

My tomato crab soup.. Quite an interesting combination. It's nice and can taste the bits of crab meat. I love crab such a lot lot lot lot!

Well, that's it. Soenke's main dish, a serving of sweet and sour kafir lime kebabs, is not shown here as I took the picture with his camera and not mine. Well maybe another day..  :)