27 February 2010


30 minutes ago, fresh out of the shower, I had went on mechanically to apply the usual cream and lotions on myself before suddenly realising, I have a lot of creams for different functions! 

I felt baffled with what I have been doing routinely these days after showers. It just happens so automatically and without consciously occurring in my head. Here is how it would go:

Walk into room. Apply facial cream on face, rub rub dub dub. Oh look, the sunburn from Phuket is still red. Grab aloe vera gel and apply gently on my sun-damaged skin. Dry legs with towel and legs felt a bit dry and itchy. Reached out for intensive body lotion, squeeze out a dollop and apply over both legs. Ohh.. dry itchiness is replaced with smoothness. Look into mirror and thought "Oh yeah, there's my neck scar from surgery", grab scar cream and rub cream generously over scar. Started to scratch my left arm and wondered why it felt kinda itchy and bumpy. Took one look and realised that the rashes, courtesy of the German winter, is acting up a bit again. Reached out and searched for soothing medical anti-eczema cream, squeeze and apply. Ahh, relief.

So this is it. My creamy routine is now done and I can feel free to do whatever I want next. I am just so weird. Creamy weird. 

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