11 April 2010

Girl Hopper

There are pigs everywhere out there. For the amount of pigs out there, I guess it would be fair to note that there are a more or less equal amount of bitches out there. You see, there is a need to remember that there are 2 sides to a coin. 

I feel like talking about people with commitment issues. Most likely those who have such issues are in denial or refuses to see this as an issue at all. A better way to call it would be a lifestyle. Given that there is no such thing as a free lunch, for such a lifestyle someone has got to pay. 
Imagine a situation whereby a guy breaks up with his girlfriend out of the blue. Next thing you know he has a new girlfriend. It is all good as all healthy human beings are expected to get over the break up, pick things up and continue with life. However, for the girl who got dumped there will be many questions  about what went wrong etc going through her head that most likely will go unanswered. With a head full of unanswered questions, this girl finds out that she has been replaced (in a very quick manner). In most cases, the first reaction would be to think that the replacement girl is the slut who caused the end of her relationship with the guy.

This is where we pause and recall that a coin has 2 sides! What about the other side of the story? What about the guy has been approaching this new interest of his and has been telling her a very different story from what the reality is to his now ex-girlfriend? Isn't it possible? Little white lies mixed with a quarter of the truth usually make very compelling stories in general, with more drama and suspense compared to a standard weather forecast. In that case, what should the girl do? Warn the new girl that she may be in for a ride by the serial girl hopper? 
This is where the gray area starts: 
1. Is it morally acceptable to tell on your ex to his/her new partner?
2. Would you be taken seriously?
3. Will it backfire on  you and send you to the highest level of embarrassment? There is possibility that the new girl is a guy hopper after all.

This is sad. For the most part, no one would care enough to do the right thing, which is to protect our own gender from being bullied/lied/mistreated/misled into a temporary false sense of happiness that will end up in pieces before you say break up. 

The female gender has always been disadvantaged at the fact that if you seek happily after, you gotta note the years that will fly past quickly (Statistics show that it is usually harder for matured ladies to be partnered off unless you are an awesome cougar). If you dream of having offsprings of your own, you need to keep a watch on that bio-clock. (Modern technology is great but it doesn't mean that everyone can afford that kind of convenience) So, if you end up with a girl hopper and got left aside, some years older, a lil' bit more wrinkled and a smaller baby window, is it the fault of your own who chose to ignore signs of commitment issues or the fault of the ex who chose not to warn you?

Everyone has to care for themselves, although sometimes doing the right thing seems to be well, just right. After all, everyone deserves their happily after somehow or another. Most folks just don't want to end up facing the world alone, and in general girl hoppers too have this fear. Perhaps a bigger fear that most of us. The saddest part is that they need a lot longer to realize that it is their fear that causes them to actually, end up alone.

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